A New Year can bring with it many challenges. It’s unrealistic for us to think that we can hit the ground running after just completing (another) challenging year. Our bodies don’t reset on January 1st–unfortunately.

So this year when you encounter changes that feel insurmountable, find natural ways to make things more manageable. Find ways to support your overall health and wellbeing, and seek out additional support when needed.

Here are our top tips for embracing change and maintaining a happy mood into 2023.

Prioritize Self-Care

Prioritize your self-care, especially this time of year. The holidays can be busy and stressful on top of an already busy and stressful year coming to a close.

Top five ways to take care of yourself this time of year:

1. Focus on getting adequate sleep. Improved sleep routines will prepare you for taking on the tasks of a new day, and a new year. The nervous system requires this time to rest and repair, and if you’re already struggling with your mental health, losing sleep will only make things worse. Consider taking a natural sleep aid to improve sleep quality and consistency.

2. Get outside and into the daylight first thing in the morning. The sunlight is less intense and more sporadic in the winter. This lack of sunlight can lower our mood, metabolic functioning, and more. This is because of the connection between circadian rhythm and daylight. Get outside to get as much natural light as you can to improve overall wellness. Natural light is more effective than any vitamin D supplement.

3. Eat a healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, fibre, fat & protein. And support that diet with dietary supplements when needed. Always consult a healthcare provider before introducing new supplements.

4. Remain in contact with your support system. Embracing a new year and change is best done with the support of other people who have been through similar adjustments. Support a healthy mood and reduce anxiety right now by catching up with a friend at least once a week.

5. Exercise. Exercise helps with sleep problems, prevents significant shifts in mood , and encourages metabolic functioning. It is a vital part of our regular routines that will keep us healthy and coping well, especially when paired with adequate rest and proper dietary nourishment.

Implement Mood Balancing Routines

Do you know how to balance mood swings? We’re creatures of habit and when shifts and changes occur in our lives, we’re thrown off-centre. Our mood is likely to be affected. To prepare for the inevitable mood swings that come with change, here are several herbal supports that you can take.

Have you heard of valerian , or valeriana officinalis? It’s a herbal supplement that can help to reduce anxiety and balance out mood.

What does Valerian do?

Valerian is a plant that has a natural sedative effect. It can help support the healthy functioning of our liver, heart and overall nervous system. It is often used in cases of insomnia, stress and nervousness , as well as with menstrual cramps for pain relief.

Are there side effects of valerian?

Taking valerian is a non habit forming strategy for mood balancing and has no side effects. It can be taken as a capsule or as a nighttime tea. It works well when paired with passionflower and as such, can often be found in combination as a tea or supplement.

What does passionflower do?

Passionflower, or passiflora incarnata, is a mild sedative and antispasmodic. It serves many of the same purposes as Valerian, including helping to combat insomnia, anxiety and nervousness, but can also assist with neurological disorders and hypertension. It is non habit forming and has no potential side effects.

It focuses its support on the heart and liver as well, hence its anti-anxiety properties. Passionflower, when paired with St. John’s Wort, increases its overall effect multiple times.

What does St John’s wort do?

St John’s Wort, on its own, similarly assists our nervous system. It has sedative, antiinflammatory and antidepressant properties. It has traditionally been used to treat the nervous system.

For depression, combine it with red rose petals and lemon balm . Lemon balm is a potent calmative herb.

All of the above herbal supports can also be used to help with menopause symptoms. Always consult a healthcare provider before addressing your concerns with any of the above herbal remedies.

Having a more balanced mood can make it feel a lot easier to face new changes and transition head-on. Don’t minimize the importance of supporting a healthy and happy mood along the way. We promise that it will make challenges feel more conquerable.

Focus On Incremental Changes

Neglecting our mental health by overloading ourselves with too much change too quickly can contribute to mood disorders and mental illnesses. Be mindful of the changes you are experiencing with the new year and see if you can break them down into incremental amounts to make it feel more manageable.

In writing, take a large change and break it down into day-by-day steps. Seeing the process in incremental changes can make it feel much more attainable and much less daunting.

In acute moments of stress and anxiety, there is also gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is a naturally produced anti-anxiety neurotransmitter. By supplementing with a high quality GABA supplement, we can support our natural production and help to quickly stabilize an unstable mood.

When our body enters fight-or-flight, many functions begin to rev up. And one physiological reaction to stress quickly spiral into another. If you are not in immediate life-or-death danger, taking GABA can halt this natural stimulation and relax the brain to think more rationally.

This New Year don’t get bogged down by change. Break it down into manageable steps and support your overall wellbeing. There are many ways that we can make change more pleasant, including caring for our nutrition, sleep hygiene , physical fitness, and bolstering our mood naturally when needed.


Pascoe Canada does not offer health or medical advice as we are not a healthcare practitioner. Please speak with your healthcare practitioner before beginning any program related to nutrition, diet, exercise, fitness, medical, and/or wellness. All content published by Pascoe Canada is developed through collaborating with licensed medical professionals and contributors. This includes text, graphics, images, and other material on the website, newsletter, and products (“Content”). This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The content does not substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please always do your own research on whether this is for you along with your healthcare practitioner advice. Always consult your healthcare practitioner prior to using specific herbs because you might have underlying conditions that need professional care. The content is general in nature and is subject to change. It is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects.