How does mental health affect your well-being?

Often people may think of mind and body as separate units. However, our mental and physical health are incredibly linked.

When our mental health is suffering, our quality of life can be impacted. It affects how we think, feel, and act. Mental health problems can decrease our overall well-being.

How does mental health affect your life?

Struggling with mental health can impact your life in varying ways. It can make getting through the things that you need to do during the day more challenging. This can be harmful for your ability to work, socialize, and interact with other people.

Our mental wellbeing can also affect sleep and appetite. The same goes for our focus, motivation, and planning. When we are suffering on the inside mentally, just holding it together can take up most of our energy. This leaves little left for the rest of the external world.

Struggling with mental health and wellbeing can impact the following:

How does mental health affect families?

One of the hardest things about mental health is its invisibility. It is very challenging for others to see someone’s mental health state.

At the same time, it can impact those around. People with mental health struggles can be more irritable, angry, or sad for what may seem like no reason. Their mood is affected by what is going on inside.

However, seen from the outside, these emotions won’t seem to be normal responses to stress factors. This makes it difficult for family members and others to understand what is going on.

Families of those suffering from mental health problems can also feel helpless, tired, or exhausted. Therefore, it is extremely important for all members of the family to take care of themselves regularly. Even and especially when they are trying to be there for others.

What is the connection between physical, social and mental health?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) “health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being…”. This illustrates that our mental, physical, and social health are intertwined.

The research found that our social health has a huge impact on our mental and physical health. Social health means our ability to interact and form healthy relationships with others.

Being socially connected makes us happier and physically healthier. It can lower stress, depression and anxiety. In reverse, loneliness or social isolation are linked to poorer physical and mental health.

Likewise, poor mental health can influence our relationships with family, friends, or colleagues. This again can result in problems such as social isolation.

How we feel mentally can change how we are able to interact with others. This is something we can see in ourselves on a regular basis. For example, when we are sad, we often want to be by ourselves.

It can also alter the way that we feel physically. In times of grief people often aren’t hungry and need to rest more frequently. We all experience these small changes in our social and physical well-being as we go through different emotions every day.

Most often these intense emotional states only last for a certain amount of time. However, when they linger for a prolonged period, they can harm our social and physical health.

It is important to remember that we as human beings are not divided into physical and mental. This means a physical, mental, or social trigger will impact every aspect of our being.

What are mood disorder symptoms?

Some common symptoms include:

  • Feeling hopeless and helpless
  • Trouble sleeping or daytime sleepiness
  • Poor appetite or eating too much
  • Fatigue or low energy
  • Having little to no motivation or interest in things
  • Low self-esteem
  • Mood changes – feeling very low and then very high
  • Trouble coping daily

It is quite normal for humans to feel low or ‘blue’ once in a while. However, mood disorders are much more than occasional sadness or low mood. Mood disorders such as depression belong to a group of mental illnesses. Here, the shifts in mood are more intense and last longer.

How long do mood disorder symptoms last?

There is no timeline for how long mood disorder symptoms last. It often depends on the intensity of the trigger as well as the reaction from the person who is suffering. Treatment can have a huge impact on decreasing the severity and duration of the symptoms.

What are remedies for mood balancing?

There are some plants that can support mood. For example, St. John's Wort preparations work in a similar way as antidepressant medications. The herb blocks the reuptake of chemical messengers such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline in nerve cells.

These so-called neurotransmitters remain in the space between the nerve cells and continue to exert an effect. They act as happy hormones that help to increase our mood. Other herbs such as saffron, lavender and rosemary have also been shown to help in balancing mood.

Passionflower and valerian root are known for calming down the nervous system. By decreasing irritability and restlessness, they can help to bring the body back into balance.

Mental health tips - How to achieve mental wellness?

Cultivate mental wellness through self-care and balance. This means taking the time to check in with yourself and see what you need at this moment. Remember to treat yourself kindly and to take care of your body!

For more severe mood disorders and mood changes treatment may be needed.

How to improve mental health and wellness?

The key is to have a balance for our body and mind. Here are some suggestions on how we can support our mood:

  1. Sport and exercise – they help to move stagnation in our body which can contribute to depression. Also, both push the production of endorphins, hormones that make us feel good.
  2. Reducing stress – chronic stress causes the release of hormones that can lead to mood changes and decrease one’s ability to cope.
  3. Relaxation and mindfulness exercises (meditation, yoga, mindful practices) – to help calm down the nervous system, be present in the moment, and bring our thoughts and emotions into balance.
  4. Talking and social contact – create a support system to help deal with triggers in the environment and world in general.
  5. A wholesome and healthy diet – did you know that healthy eating and mood are connected? Choose a Mediterranean diet with lots of fruits and vegetables to ensure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals. Essential fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids are especially important for mood and brain function. They can be found in healthy foods like avocados, nuts and seeds, olive oil, fish etc.
  6. Sufficient light – exercise in the fresh air or go out in the sunshine.
  7. Regular sleep schedule – keep the same bedtime and wake-up times.
  8. Enough free time for hobbies – engage in things that bring you pleasure.

When should I see a healthcare professional?

If your problem starts to affect your life, you should check in with your primary care physician or naturopath. They can ensure that you are getting the best treatment to support your mental wellbeing.

Also, getting medical advice before starting herbal or any other supplements can be extremely helpful.

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