The cardiovascular system

Your heart and a closed system of blood vessels make up your body’s cardiovascular system. It is also known as the circulatory system. 

The heart pumps 290 litres of our lifeblood per hour through our blood vessels. This ensures that every cell in our body is supplied. 

The vessels that lead away from the heart are known as arteries. They branch on their way through the body and become finer and finer. The finest blood vessels are called capillaries. They ensure the delivery of oxygen, nutrients and other substances to the tissue. 

They also pick up carbon dioxide and other waste products that need to be removed. Wastes are carried to organs that can excrete them. The blood is then carried back to the heart.

The blood vessels that lead back to the heart are called veins. From the heart, the blood goes to the lungs to get rid of carbon dioxide and pick up oxygen. 


What are cardiovascular health problems?

Cardiovascular health problems are the noticeable symptoms of various diseases of the heart or the blood vessels. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. 

Accordingly, heart and circulatory problems appear quite often as warning signs. Almost everyone has experienced symptoms such as high blood pressure, racing heart, dizziness, or short vision blackouts.

These symptoms should not be taken lightly as the consequences can be serious and even life-threatening. Cardiovascular diseases are highly diverse and many people suffer from them. This includes more and more younger people, especially in industrial countries.


What types of cardiovascular disease are there?

There are a variety of diseases and symptoms that can be traced back to cardiovascular system problems. The most important include the following:

High blood pressure (hypertension) 
Blood pressure readings above 140/90 mm Hg permanently and at rest are classified as High blood pressure. It puts a strain on the blood vessels and many organs.

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) and Angina Pectoris
The blood vessels that supply the heart are called the coronary arteries. Coronary Artery Disease develops when deposits in these vessels cause them to narrow. This leads to impaired blood flow and thus an impaired supply of oxygen to the heart. 

The decreased blood flow to the heart muscle can cause pain and tightness in the chest. This condition is known as angina pectoris.

Heart attack
Interruption to the supply of blood to parts of the cardiac muscle. This can result in the death of heart muscle cells. 

This usually happens due to narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle. The narrowing or blockage is caused by thrombosis or arteriosclerosis. 

Cardiac insufficiency or heart failure  
The heart is no longer strong enough to pump enough blood to supply all organs.

Inflammatory heart disease (endocarditis, pericarditis)
Parts of the heart can become inflamed. In case of endocarditis, it involves the inner lining of the heart chambers and valves. If the tissue layers around the heart's chambers are affected, it is known as pericarditis. 

The heart rhythm can be abnormally disrupted. The heartbeat can be too fast (tachycardia) or too slow (bradycardia) or irregular (skipped heartbeats). 

One of the most common forms of cardiac arrhythmias is called atrial fibrillation. This is an irregular and often very fast heartbeat. It starts in the two upper chambers of the heart, the so-called atria.

Low blood pressure (Hypotension)
Cardiac disease, hormonal shifts, disorders of the nervous system and other factors may result in blood pressure that is too low.

Functional cardiac symptoms
These are heart-related symptoms such as shortness of breath, palpitations or also chest pain. They are felt clearly and cause sufferers a lot of anxiety. However, the cause is not heart disease.


What are the symptoms of cardiovascular problems?

The symptoms vary as widely as the types of disease. They include circulatory problems, a too high or a too-low blood pressure, a feeling of tightness and pain in the chest area, anxiety, palpitations, weakness and more.

Circulatory problems occur:

  • when the blood pressure is too low
  • when there is cardiac insufficiency
  • in situations in which extremely high demands are placed on the circulation (heat, extreme physical or psychological strain, dehydration)

These symptoms are typical for circulatory problems:

  • Dizziness, especially rotary vertigo
  • Feeling of weakness, feeling worn out
  • Declining physical performance
  • Circulatory collapse, fainting
  • Vision blackouts

It is important to have a doctor clarify the causes of these symptoms. A general practitioner can often diagnose cardiovascular disease. In many cases they will refer you to a cardiologist for a more detailed examination and diagnosis. 

It may be necessary to take drugs to support the heart and/or the circulation and to treat cardiovascular disease.


Organic vs functional cardiovascular symptoms

Cardiovascular symptoms can be organic or functional. Organic means that there is a disease process that can be observed and measured. This includes inflammation or tissue damage. The structure of the blood vessels or the heart itself is changed. 

Functional symptoms are described as symptoms for which no organic cause can be identified. However, the symptoms can cause great problems for the person affected. The causes often lie in our vegetative nervous system. 

The vegetative nervous system is the part of our nervous system that controls bodily functions involuntarily. This means it is not influenced by us. 

For example, it raises the pulse and blood pressure in stressful situations. This can be felt as a racing heart, sometimes over a long period of time – without the heart having any organic disorder. 


Risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease

Some of the risk factors cannot be influenced by us. These include age, sex and familial predisposition. Thus, more men than women suffer from cardiovascular disease. 

Also, the risk of cardiovascular problems in elderly is way higher than that for young people. Ageing can cause many changes in the arteries or heart. Common changes in older adults include hardening of the blood vessels, known as arteriosclerosis, or plaque buildup. 

Risk factors that we have control over are:

  • Excess weight (obesity)
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • A poor diet that promotes arteriosclerosis or diabetes

The more risk factors present, the greater the likelihood of heart disease. Cardiovascular and heart problems can then lead to secondary diseases such as heart attack and stroke.


How can you prevent cardiovascular disease?

There is a lot you can do to improve your heart health. Here are some tips:

  • Do plenty of exercises - preferably daily walks in the fresh air rather than intensive sport!
  • Eat a healthy diet that 
    - is varied with all necessary minerals and trace elements
    - is rich in vitamins, bases, antioxidants (radical scavengers)
    - consists of fresh fruit and vegetables rather than fatty pork!
  • Reduce your alcohol intake
  • Avoid or stop smoking
  • Control and manage your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol
  • Breathe deeply and reduce stress
  • Take alternate showers, go to the sauna or try Kneipp water treatments


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